Black Speakers Network

Learn how Davi Creative collaborated with the Black Speakers Network (BSN) to develop The Speaker Success Program, providing aspiring and seasoned speakers with the tools and resources needed to excel in the speaking industry. Discover how our curriculum development consulting and membership platform consultation helped BSN empower hundreds of members on their speaker success journey.

Learn how Davi Creative collaborated with the Black Speakers Network (BSN) to develop The Speaker Success Program, providing aspiring and seasoned speakers with the tools and resources needed to excel in the speaking industry. Discover how our curriculum development consulting and membership platform consultation helped BSN empower hundreds of members on their speaker success journey.

Title: Empowering Speakers: A Case Study with Black Speakers Network

Client Information:

  • Name of the client or company: Black Speakers Network (BSN)
  • Industry: Speaker Development
  • Background: Black Speakers Network (BSN), founded by Brian J. Olds, is a leading authority for black speakers, offering comprehensive speaker development and empowerment programs. The BSN Speaker Success Program aims to equip aspiring and seasoned speakers with the skills and resources needed to excel in the speaking industry.

Project Overview:

  • Goal: BSN sought to provide an online Speaker Success Program for its Silver Members, offering a structured roadmap for individuals interested in starting and growing their speaker businesses.
  • Reality: Many BSN members lacked clarity on their speaking careers, hindering their progress in the industry.
  • Solution: The Speaker Success Program was designed to provide BSN Silver Members with access to educational resources and a roadmap for becoming paid speakers.

Description of the project or problem the client faced:

BSN members often lacked organization and direction in their speaking careers, leading to confusion and stagnation in their progress.

Objectives or goals the client wanted to achieve:

BSN aimed to create a comprehensive curriculum to guide Silver Members through the process of becoming successful speakers.

Solution Provided:

Davi Creative provided curriculum development consulting to create The Speaker Success Program, offering hands-on educational resources and a roadmap for BSN Silver Members. Additionally, Davi Creative consulted on building out the membership platform for seamless access to resources.

Description of the solution or services your company provided:

Curriculum development consulting and membership platform consultation.

Any unique approaches or strategies used to address the client’s needs:

Davi Creative collaborated closely with BSN to tailor the curriculum and membership platform to the specific needs of Silver Members, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

Implementation Details:

The project spanned 3 months and included the development of a 75-page curriculum consisting of 5 modules.

Timeline of the project, including key milestones:

3 months

Results and Outcomes:

The Speaker Success Program and revamped membership platform have empowered 600+ of BSN members, providing them with valuable resources and guidance on their speaker success journey.

Quantifiable results achieved as a result of your solution:

Increased engagement and participation among BSN members, with hundreds accessing educational resources monthly.

Any qualitative feedback or testimonials from the client:

BSN received positive feedback from members, expressing gratitude for the valuable resources and support provided through the Speaker Success Program.

How the project impacted the client’s business or organization:

The implementation of The Speaker Success Program and enhanced membership platform has strengthened BSN’s position as a leading authority for black speakers, providing valuable support and resources to aspiring and seasoned speakers alike.

Case Study:
Speaker Development
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